That Which Flows by is an exquisite manga that has earned itself many fans from all around the globe. Boasting captivating storytelling, likeable characters and stunning artwork that draws readers in, It will take them on an amazing journey through This captivating narrative!
Yeon, a young water mage, joins the Gilde to expand his magical skills and embark on new adventures. He displays natural talent for manipulating water magic; thus drawing him in. Here he can test and improve these talents while seeking adventure!
The Story
That Which Flows by is sure to draw readers in from across the world with its captivating storytelling and exquisite art, creating an experience they won’t soon forget! It features charming characters who will charm readers from across the board while the plot offers both action and suspense for readers of all ages.
This fantasy manga examines the ethical considerations involved with altering fate, as well as its consequences. Yuri sees lines of fate which represent people’s destiny; she can alter these with her powers but faces moral quandaries when choosing whether or not to use them.
Attractive characters and an intriguing plot make this manga an absolute must for fans of Manhwa. Available to read for free on Webtoon and Mangakakalot, new chapters are uploaded weekly allowing readers to catch up and read for fun on these platforms.
The Characters
That Which flows by is an award-winning manga with captivating characters, an engrossing plot, and plenty of action. It explores themes like power relations, personal growth, and unintended repercussions resulting from one’s actions – making an international impact and propelling manhwa into prominence. Fans worldwide have taken notice.
Yeon, a water mage with the ability to influence water flows, joins Gilde, an organization for magical users who aim to develop their skills and go on adventures together. There he meets Lisesharte and Jueki – two fire and earth magi who join his adventures.
Manga or Manhwa comics are an Asian-influenced form of comic that feature relatable characters with intricate storytelling and beautiful artwork to keep readers hooked.
The Tone
That Which Flows By has attracted readers worldwide due to its intricate storytelling and beautiful art. Furthermore, It provides a perfect example of how manga can help readers explore difficult subjects and characters through manga’s artistic medium.
The story takes place in an enchanting world filled with magical creatures and dark powers, creating an enthralling tale with dark themes and moral ambiguity, perfect for readers seeking something deeper in a tale. Manga art adds another layer to enhance this dark tale perfectly.
Webtoon, a popular comic hosting website, features this story for free with chapters being added weekly. KissManga also provides quick updates to chapters released via Webtoon; their mobile-friendly format makes reading enjoyable!
The Release Date
Soft Cone’s Historical Fiction Manga has over 2.9 Million Views on Webtoon and received outstanding ratings from readers, captivating hearts with romantic parts that are well-explained as well as political and survival tactics. If you like reading manga, this manhwa should definitely be on your reading list as its 26 episodes can currently be found online for you to devour anytime! You won’t regret reading it!